How to solve blue screen problems (Windows)

There are various causes for a blue screen to appear. It may be due to newly installed software/hardware that is not compatible with your device or even after installing an update.

If you are unable to solve your problem using the steps below, make a note of the error code displayed by your blue screen or take a picture of it and contact Cleaq support.

After installing an update

  1. If you get a blue screen error after an update, try to correct it by removing the recently installed updates.
  2. Turn on your computer in safe mode (go directly to the "Safe Mode" section)
  3. Once the safe mode is activated, go to the start menu and enter "control panel", then validate by clicking on "Enter".
  4. Under the "Programs" tab, select "Uninstall a program". Select "Show installed updates" and then, to find more easily the last installed update, click on "Installed it".
  5. Right click or double click on the last update, then click on "Uninstall" and finally validate the operation by clicking on "Yes".
  6. Restart your computer so that the manipulation is taken into account.
  7. If the problem persists, repeat the operation for all the recent updates that have been installed and that you can remove.

NB: remember then to restart an update of your device to make sure you have the latest OS patches available.

While using your computer

Software : 

  1. Turn on your computer in safe mode (go directly to the "Safe Mode" section)
  2. Once the safe mode is activated, go to the start menu and enter "control panel", then validate by clicking on "Enter".
  3. Under the "Programs" tab, select "Uninstall a program", then click on "Installed it" to display the last installed applications at the top.
  4. Select the software you want to remove, then click "Uninstall".
  5. Once done, restart your device
Drivers :

If you have updated drivers recently, they may be responsible for the blue screen. Always in safe mode, open the start menu and type "device manager" there.

Hardware : 

A connected device may be causing the blue screen to appear. Unplug any external device such as an external hard drive, a USB key, a docking station not used for the basic operation of the computer and then restart your computer.